The Practice of Presence

A 4-module live online course rooted in the principle that the solutions to your problems are not complicated; rather, the best ‘solution’ is mastering the simple but challenging practice of being present with yourself.

Registration for the current cycle of the course is now closed. Sign up for the newsletter below to receive updates about the next cycle!

The modules of this course cover the topics that I find myself addressing with my clients in sessions over and over again:

neurobiology, mindfulness, defenses against emotion, and inner child work

This course may be for you if you:

  • find that you are often disconnected from your emotions, or it seems like you have little to no control over your emotions.

  • keep on hearing that you need to ‘feel your feelings’ but you don’t know how to actually do that.

  • carry a lot of heavy emotional burdens (eg: feeling responsible for taking care care of everyone, needing to be perfect, persistent anxiety, guilt and/or shame), and aren’t sure how to lay them down.

  • have a sense that you didn’t get what you needed as a child and aren’t sure how to heal those wounds.

I created this course to offer everyone the foundational knowledge and skills that I teach my clients.

This course will take place over four weeks, meeting for two hours each week. Each two hour session will have a lecture component, an experiential component, and time for questions.

June 7th, 10am-12pm EST

June 14th, 10am-12pm EST

June 21st, 10am-12pm EST

June 28th, 10am-12pm EST

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Neurobiology and Trauma

You’ll Learn:

  • How the nervous system works, and how it responds when we experience trauma.

  • Valuable information and practical skills that you can use to gain more control over your nervous system.


The Components of Mindfulness

You’ll learn:

  • What mindfulness is (and isn’t), and why it’s essential to feeling your feelings.

  • How to use mindfulness in your day to day life.

  • Tips and tricks to try when you’re finding it difficult to practice mindfulness.

Module #3: 

Understanding Defenses Against Emotion

You’ll learn:

  • How anxiety and depression serve as defenses against emotion, and how to have empathy and compassion for those defenses.

  • Other methods we have for defending against emotion (perfectionism, work-aholism, social media, substance use, etc.) 

  • How to create a map of your unique defenses and start working with them rather than fighting with them.

Module #4: 

Your Inner Child

You’ll learn:

  • How our emotional burdens result from young child parts of ourselves not getting what they need.

  • Why the child parts of your system may feel abandoned, outcast, afraid, ashamed, or some combination of those feelings.

  • How to make contact with those parts of yourself and what you can do to help them.

What you’ll take away from this course:

  • A newfound sense of control over your emotions, and a healthier relationship with your emotions

  • A restored sense of connection with your body

  • Increased self-compassion

  • Improved ability to identify your own needs

  • Improved ability to communicate with different parts of yourself

  • A greater understanding of what it really means to reparent yourself as an adult

  • You will also get lifetime access to four guided meditations (narrated by me) so that you can continue the work on your own


  • No. This course is part of my coaching business, not my clinical therapy practice. This course provides psychoeducation and experiential exercises that you can utilize to improve your emotional health, but it is not a replacement for one-on-one therapy with a licensed clinician.

  • Yes! I created this course because not everyone has the good fortune of being able to work with a somatic therapist, due to limited availability or high cost. Perhaps you are working with a therapist who is affordable for you, and whom you have a good relationship with, but they don’t have training in the somatic methods that I use. This course is an opportunity for you to work with me for a brief period of time and learn the techniques that I do with my clients, which can enhance or deepen the work you are doing in your therapy.

  • Yes! If you are not able to attend live, the modules will be recorded and will be available to watch for seven days after they happen live.

  • I don’t grant lifetime access for a couple of reasons. One is to protect my intellectual property, and the second is to protect the privacy of people who attend live and share their experiences. You will, however, get lifetime access to four guided meditations that will help you continue the work on your own.

  • You are welcome to have your camera off during the sessions if you feel more comfortable that way. I will also be splitting the Q/A portion of each module into two parts: recorded and not recorded. This way, everyone will have a chance to ask questions while the meeting is not being recorded, if that is what they feel more comfortable with.

  • I do not. But I will be offering a 15 percent discount for the pre-sale price. Make sure you sign up for the e-newsletter, so you don’t miss the pre-sale window.

  • Yes! You can make four monthly payments of $123.75. If you would like to sign up for a payment plan, please fill out this form.